Dont Pass Craps

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Most casino patrons tend to shy away from the craps table because of the many available bets, the unpredictability of a pair of dice, and the fast pace of the game. But this perceived complexity has the potential to pay off nicely to those players who take their time and learn the basics of the game. This includes understanding one of the best bets in craps, the Don't Come wager, which has a low house edge and great chances of winning.

  1. Pass Don't Pass Craps System
  2. Don't Pass Craps Betting Strategy
  3. Craps Dark Side Strategies
  4. Don T Pass Bar
  1. By placing a wager on Don't Pass, you are betting that the roller will roll craps (2, 3, or 12) on the first roll of the turn or that he will roll a 7 after a point is established. In effect, betting on Don't Pass is equivalent to betting that any wagers on the Pass Line will LOSE.
  2. If you're comparing craps wagers by how likely they are to pay off, don't pass bets are technically better than pass line bets. Look at the house edge on various bets in craps. Poke around on that site long enough and you'll see that the house edge on pass line bets is around 1.41%, while don't pass bets give the casino a 1.36% edge.

The don't pass bet is another one of the most popular bets in craps. Players who wager on this bet are known as 'wrong' players since they are usually betting against the shooter who is a 'right' player.

Casino craps or bank craps is a relatively simple game that originates from the traditional, street dice game variations. Unlike them, it has rules and payouts that remain the same in most land-based and online casinos, with only minor differences introduced sometimes to attract more players. Fans of the game know well that craps is easy to learn but very difficult to master and this is why there are so many unsuccessful players, while only a few seem to make consistent profits. The key to being successful, i.e. to win more than you lose, is to place the right bets at the right time.

The Don't Come wager is one of these good bets that can cut the advantage all casinos have over their customers. Nevertheless, it is often ignored, especially by those who have little experience and low tolerance for risk, even though this type of bet reduces !!! the player's being exposed to risk. In addition, this wager is undeservingly underestimated due to lack of knowledge and understanding.

Despite the simple rules of craps, betting properly is not obvious for many players who prefer sticking to the same bets for years. Those who dare to explore the Don't Come bet and its opposite, the Come bet, may soon discover the game of craps is much more rewarding than they previously thought. In combination with other bets, it can also be used in successful betting strategies by expert-level players.

Basics of Come and Don't Come Bets

The Come and Don't Come bets are among the basic and most fundamental wagers in craps, along with the Pass and Don't Pass bets. Most players would learn how to place them within their first several games, although they seem a bit confusing at first. Let us start with the Pass and Don't Pass bets – these are when players are betting on or against the dice.

If a 7 or 11 is thrown after the initial roll, Pass bets win and Don't Pass bets lose. When the numbers on two dice total 2, 3, or 12, the Pass bets automatically win. The Don't Pass wagers, on the other hand, win if 2 or 3 is rolled, lose on 7 and 11, while the 12 is a push – neither a win nor a loss.

The Come and Don't Come wagers are quite similar to these two with one major difference, namely the timing. While Pass/Don't Pass bets can be placed before on the initial roll, called 'come-out roll', the Come/Don't Come bets cannot be placed until a point has been established. Whenever the shooter rolls 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, Pass/Don't Pass wagers neither win, nor lose. Another roll of the dice follows, with the number thrown in the come-out becomes the point number.

It is this second time the dice are tossed across the craps table when players are given the option to place Come or Don't Come bets. After the point has been established and a Come bet is placed, it wins in case 7 or 11 is rolled and loses if the dice show the craps numbers (2, 3, and 12). If any other number is thrown, it becomes the point for the following roll. Similarly, the Don't Come bet wins if 2 or 3 is rolled and loses if 7 or 11 lands. The rest of the numbers would establish a point.

What is the Don't Come Bet?

In theory, the Come and Don't Come wagers are not so difficult to understand, as we have already seen – they are very similar to the Pass and Don't Pass bets but instead of in the come-out roll, they are placed once the point number has been established. In practice, things become more complicated and many players are confused when the Don't Come wager is actually available. The shooter tosses the dice, some players win, others lose and before you know it, the dice are being thrown on the table once again.

Compared to many casino games, craps is very fast and novices may find it hard to keep track of the rolls. Identifying a come-out roll may be particularly tricky but there is an easy way to know when you can place a Come/Don't Come wager. Each time the shooter throws a point number in the come-out roll, the dealers move a small disk from one side of the betting layout to the box corresponding to the point number. This object is called a marker puck and before the point has been determined, it shows its black side that says 'Off'.

When the marker is 'On', however, it is flipped on its white side, which indicates that various bets unavailable before, can now be placed. Among them is the Don't Come bet and players who wish to make it need to place their chips on top of the box that says 'Don't Come'. It is significantly smaller than the Come bet area, which is the largest box in the center of the table layout. Once players place a Don't Come wager, they expect one of three possible outcomes.

They win if 2 or 3 is thrown in the first roll after the bet has been made. They lose if 7 or 11 is thrown, while 12 is considered a push – players neither win nor lose. This little detail has been introduced so that players do not gain an advantage over the casino. If any of the other numbers are rolled, a point is established on the Come/Don't Come bets. When the roll determines the point on your Don't Come bet, you need a 7 to be thrown before the point number in order to win. If the total on the dice shows the point, however, you lose.

If the come-out roll, for example, is 5, then you can place your Don't Come wager. However, the point 5 is not relevant for your bet and you need 2 or 3 in the next roll in order to win. If the shooter throws 7 or 11, you lose, and if the dice show 8, this will be the point number for your bet. Your chips are moved to the area on the table corresponding for the 8. Best video poker. If the dice land on 8, you lose. You will win only if the shooter rolls a 7 before that.

Don't Come Bet Payout and House Edge

Novices can often make the mistake to assume that the result of every throw of the dice depends on luck or chance. Experienced, knowledgeable players understand that luck is a wrong concept in craps, although every roll is completely random, indeed. It is important to remember that craps is a game of chance and is based on mathematical probability, which is fixed and can be easily calculated. The reason for this is that there are a fixed number of possible combinations of numbers that the dice can land on each time – they are exactly 36.

This is why the odds and the house edge of every bet are well-known. Just like the Don't Pass bet, the Don't Come pays evenly, which means the potential winnings from this bet are equal to it. One of the best things about making this wager is its low house edge, which increases the player's chances of winning. The edge is 1.36%, slightly lower than the typical Pass Line wager. This means that, on average, players are expected to lose 1.36% of their bets over a long period of time. Of course, the house edge does not indicate that $1.36 of your every $100 bet will be lost. Rather, it shows the profits of the casino over time.

This makes the Don't Come bet a great option for all players who are looking for a way to optimize their game and reduce their losses. Still, people rarely place this wager, as it suggests playing against the table. Those who make it are sometimes called 'wrong' players because the majority of people around the craps table prefer betting on the dice to win. If you place a Don't Come wager, know that you will be probably betting against everyone else. This does not apply to online craps, of course, so if you are playing a virtual version of the game, you will play on your own against the casino.

Free Odds on Don't Come Bets

Craps players have the option to improve their chances of winning with the Don't Come bet by laying odds on it. Odds bets, also known as Free Odds bets, are probably the most interesting wagers in this game because they are placed as separate, side bets, but they essentially work as multiples of your original bet. They can be added at any time once the point has been established on a Pass/Don't Pass and Come/Don't Come wagers.

When you place a Don't Come bet, you lay the Odds bet by asking the dealers for assistance since it is not marked on the table. When the point on your Don't Come wager is determined, you place your chips near the Don't Come area on the layout and with this Odds wager, you bet on whether the 7 or the point number will be rolled first. If your original bet wins, so does the Odds wager.

Usually, this bet can be one, two, or three times your original bet, but some land-based casinos may attract players by introducing odds up to 100 times the bet size. The Odds bets are typically referred to as 1x, 2x Odds, 3x Odds or 10x Odds. For instance, the point on your $10 Don't Come wager is 8 and if you lay it with 3x Odds, you will need to put chips worth $30 on the table. If 7 rolls before 8 (the point number), you receive even payout for the Don't Come wager, plus quite an attractive payout for the Free Odds bet.

The payouts for the Odds wagers vary, depending on the point number established in the roll. When the point is 4 or 10, the payout is 2 to 1 (2:1). On points 5 and 9, Odds pay 3 to 2 (3:2), while on points of 6 and 8, these bets pay 6 to 5 (6:5). This means that these wagers pay true odds, instead of the typical casino odds, which show that the risk is greater than the payout. The true odds here can be seen easily by comparing the probability of winning and losing.

The Free Odds bet wins if the dice roll 7 before the point, which in the example above was 8. There are six ways to roll a 7, compared to 5 ways to roll an 8, which means that this wager is more likely to win than to lose. The odds can be represented as 6 to 5, which is exactly the payout for Odds laid on a Don't Come point of 8. As we can see the payouts for Odds bets are fair and therefore, the house edge is zero. In fact, the odds are in favor of the player, which is rarely found in other casino games. The higher the Odds bet, the better chances for the player.

Another very important thing to understand is that while with Pass/Come bets, players bet a small amount to win a bigger amount, with the Don't Pass/Don't Come bets, it is the other way round. You need to lay bigger Odds bet to win a smaller amount. The reason is that when you lay the Free Odds bet on the point, you become the favorite as 7 is more likely to win than the point. When the Don't Come wager is $10 and you lay single Odds, you will win another $10 for the original bet when 7 is rolled. If the point number is 10, your $10 Free Odds bet will bring you a win of $5 and you will receive $15.

Craps Strategy Using the Don't Come Bet

As explained above, craps can be played with a very low house edge, which makes it a better alternative to other casino games where the house have a huge advantage over players. It also has several bets that could be described as 'sucker bets' – wagers where the house edge is significantly higher. The optimal strategy for craps includes placing one or more of the most basic bets – the Pass/Don't Pass and Come/Don't Come wagers. The Don't Come bet, in particular, is one of the best options because it comes with a low house edge (1.36%, although it is 1.40% on a resolved bet) and it can be made whenever you wish once the point has been established.

In order to optimize their game, players can combine the Don't Come wager with other bets. The most obvious way to do that is laying odds on it, as explained in the previous section. However, there is one essential aspect of this strategy players need to understand – the largest amount of the total wager per round need to be placed on the Free Odds bet. The original bet, on the other hand, should be as small as possible. This is one of the most important tips in craps and it can be applied not only to the Don't Come bet when it is laid with odds but to all wagers that would be supported with higher odds.

If, for example, you plan on wagering $10 per round, you should place $2 on the Don't Come and boost it 4x Free Odds for $8. The reason for this is very simple – while the Don't Come bet offers a 1.40% house edge when it is resolved, the Odds bet has no house edge. The expected loss when placing just a Don't Come bet with no odds is larger.

One of the most commonly used strategies is combining Don't Pass and Don't Come bets where players win if 2 or 3 is rolled. Both wagers come with a low risk and if the players win, they receive winnings from the two bets. As the Don't Come bet is placed once the Don't Pass point has been fixed, this pattern covers both the naturals (7 and 11) and the craps numbers (2 and 3, except the 12). Supporting them with maximum odds is even better.

Another good strategy where the Don't Come bet can be incorporated successfully is a combination between a Don't Pass, Don't Come and a Field Bet. The Field box includes the three craps numbers – 2, 3, and 12, plus 4, 9, 10, and 11. A winning Field bet pays out differently, depending on the number that is rolled – it pays evenly if 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 is rolled; 2:1 if 2 is rolled and 3:1 is 12 rolled. Using this pattern, players can bet on even more numbers and increase their chances of winning.

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(besides the slight math advantage of DP over pass)
I'm switching to the darkside.
when I play Pass and get on a hot roll, I press about 40% of my winnings.

Pass Don't Pass Craps System

after the roll is over, there goes 40% of my profits. (and the casino just recovered some of their $ back.)
and it's stupid to take down your bets in the middle of the shooter's roll and just leave the Pass/Come flat bets there.
THe way I play Don't Pass is 1 big bet equivalent to the $ risked using 3point Betty strategy in Pass.
ie: $10min, 3/4/5x odds
with 3point Betty, I have an avg of $150 on the table
with Don't Pass, I have $20 DP/120 odds.
yeah, I know. set a win limit. once you hit that limit, have the discipline to yell 'OFF' while playing Pass/Come on a hot roll.
I did that.
but it SUCKS when the shooter keeps on making #'s while i'm waiting for a '7' to kill my flat bets. (he made at least 6+ more #s.)
even tho I made my win limit, I didn't have that much fun.
Thus it has turned me to the Darkside.
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
Welcome to the darkside. It's a small, but exclusive club. Just remember that winning on the darkside is a grind. And you must have the discipline to limit your losses against a hot shooter.
7-out, line away, pay the don't.

(besides the slight math advantage of DP over pass)
I'm switching to the darkside.
when I play Pass and get on a hot roll, I press about 40% of my winnings.
after the roll is over, there goes 40% of my profits. (and the casino just recovered some of their $ back.)

Recently I did well with darkside betting by limiting my action the same as rightside, where I only want two numbers to resolve at once normally.
Previously, if I built up numbers to resolve on the darkside, I was thinking 'hey this has to be good, odds on my side, pile em up'. It's clear to me now, though, that it is still too much in action, I was getting burned.
Do that and you should be alright.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: 'Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!' She is, after all, stone deaf. .. Arnold Snyder
Sally has about the best option foir darkside wins. Avoid the come out crap and lay against
the point. You have a 59-41 advantage. However i would not lay the 4 or 10 because you
only get half of your lay.. that more than offsets the 59-41 advantage.

Sally has about the best option foir darkside wins. Avoid the come out crap and lay against
the point. You have a 59-41 advantage. However i would not lay the 4 or 10 because you
only get half of your lay.. that more than offsets the 59-41 advantage.

don't pass has a lower house edge.
~.3% vs 2.44% for Laying the 4/10 (higher HE for 5/9 and 6/8)
you're bucking the math?
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
actually I think you have to watch Sally, she says things just to get you going [esp males]
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: 'Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!' She is, after all, stone deaf. .. Arnold Snyder

actually I think you have to watch Sally, she says things just to get you going [esp males] Bonus rainbow bingo.

not all craps games offered in every casino in the world uses dice. many here in CA use cards, and that offers +EV for those that like +EV
I do not get male shooters going..
I just ask them if they are going to 7out before hitting their point, right after they establish their point
they get themselves going (and my bankroll going up)
and, imo, it is not at all difficult to win your Lay bets way more than a one time probability says
I say it is real easy (but I do understand males will not understand this, and that is OK too)
but from a book I have not read but looked at in Google Books
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Gambling Like a Pro
By Stanford Wong, Susan Spector
Craps (with 2 dice and I figure NO cards) is under the chance and skill heading

Don't Pass Craps Betting Strategy

S Wong says ..
'knowing HOW and WHEN to place your bets is a workable skill'..
for me (Idiot)
In my opinion, I believe too
I mean
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Gambling Like a Pro
I Heart Vi Hart

Welcome to the darkside. It's a small, but exclusive club. Just remember that winning on the darkside is a grind. And you must have the discipline to limit your losses against a hot shooter.

Darkside for 3 years and one month. Have won 26 out of 35 trips. I know, pure luck but better to be lucky VS depleted bankroll! I also know about 'THE LONG RUN'..
For me, (Doey/Don't) Don't pass w/full odds. (Almost always full odds at least) No high fives just low fives with my friends after a win. The way I play the math says I should lose 1000 an hour or more. The dice haven't listened to the math yet.
There was one time I was down, so just before my flight I went to down to the table at Encore and watched for a few minutes saw a lady make a point then another one so I said why not. Put 25 on the pass with full odds (Which is about 1000 less than my usual bet on the don't) 320 across. 40 min later walked with 7k. Left at least 2k on the table. Dammit!
What gets me is all the other 10 players won but with 500, 1000, 1500 and another guy 2000 and the others with between 300 and 800. why don't players try to maximize these rolls? There were a few players just putting money on the pass with odds? There were probably 100 numbers rolled. Yes, a win is a win I know but sheeesh.

So in conclusion, you really never know but darkside IS the way to go if you are playing a game like craps. Barring any unforeseen situation like a 40 min roll of course. Hate having a good shooter roll 6 or 8 numbers and leaving all your money on the table when the 7 comes up.

Craps Dark Side Strategies

Dark side is the way. My most recent craps session was on an empty table. I put my matchplay coupon on the don't pass, rolled aces, took my money and chirped out. I was so super stoked on myself. The best dice control is not picking them up.

Don T Pass Bar

I still think your method of playing the dont is a good way.
Now having said that, i think we need to play sometime... we each take the same amount of starting money
and as i throw you can lay against any point i attempt to make, i will do the same for you and we will see
who has the most money at the end.
that would be fun
The next best thing is just take money from the casino, that is not bad either.

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